

작성자 : 이현아 이메일 : 117317@schmc.ac.kr

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9. Santy, PA Choosing the Right stuff: The Psychological Selection of Astronauts and Cosmonauts.1994. Praeger: Wesport, Connecticut.
10. Ozdenizci O, Cumpanasoiu C, Mazefsky C, Siegel M, Erdoggmus D, Ioannidis S, Goodwin MS. Time-Series Prediction of Proximal Aggression Onset in Minimally-Verbal Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Physiological Biosignals. Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2018 Jul;2018:5745-5748. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2018.8513524. PMID: 30441641.

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